Thursday, January 28, 2010
Just a Shower?
I don't know about you, but for me a shower is more than just a shower. Yes, at the bare minimum it is a place to get clean, but it is also a place to sing, cry, pray, listen to God and even escape. This afternoon was such a time. My morning included working out (finally!), helping Sarah with a science test that took waaaay too long, trying to keep up with Griffin's never-ending stats about the NFL (it really isn't fair that I expect him to know all his math facts and I can't even name any other players on the Colts or Saints except the QB's, even though I have been told many times), caring for Annie and making sure Sandy got at least a LITTLE attention! There was a short window of time before I had to pick up Andrew and then get ready for my class tonight. Time to escape to the land of warmth and solitude. I really do thank God quite often that I live in a land that has access to hot water at any time. Can you imagine having to boil water and shower in a basin or some other contraption? Ask any of my children- the thing I most look forward to in heaven is (hopefully) being warm all the time. So back to the shower- I just stood there under that wonderful waterfall from heaven and relaxed, prayed, and was just still. But alas- knock,knock. "Yes?" "Can you give me a synonym for..." Time's up. Back to the world of homework and housework. But all is sacred to Him and I wouldn't have it any other way.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Surrounded By Love- and Blankets!
As I was putting Annie down this morning for her nap there was quite a collection of blankets in her cradle. One folded over the side was a gift from my mom. One was a beautiful, handmade labor of love that someone made for Sandy when she was a baby. One, a gift for Annie from a new friend and the one that she was actually under- a sweet hand-knitted blanket that is so soft and warm. As I was folding the collection that had amassed I realized how wonderful it is to be surrounded by the love of family and friends alike. It was as if God was loving her through each of these people who care for and love her. I guess there's just something about a peaceful, sleeping baby that brings out all kinds of emotions in a mom- but I just felt so surrounded by the grace and mercy of God. I was so encouraged by Him to keep my home and heart like little Annie- full of peace, totally dependent on my Maker, content to rest and surrounded with the love and warmth of family and friends.
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Who Do You Want to Be?
Last night while I was hanging out with Sarah in her room she asked me who I would want to be if I could be anyone else in the world. My immediate thought was Faith Hill- cute, spunky, great smile, seemingly great life. But within 2 seconds I changed my mind- it's amazing how fast the brain can process and analyze all our different thoughts. Someone famous like Faith Hill hasn't even impacted my life or the life of my family. So the name I spoke aloud to Sarah was Jean Fleming. "Who?" you ask. So did Sarah. Probably 99.9% of the world has never heard of her. Many years ago she wrote a book called A Mother's Heart. I first read it when Sarah was almost one and I have read it cover-to-cover at least 5 other times. Other than the Bible, it has been the one thing that has most impacted my vision/goals/inspiration for mothering. Sarah said, "Do you know her?"- no. "Do you know anything about her?"- again no. It's amazing how someone that I don't even know is someone who has impacted my life and love of children. Why would I want to be her? Maybe because I, like all of us, have a desire to make a difference in someone's life; to be a valuable resource to those around us; to encourage other moms to not settle for the world's way of raising kids. We all need encouragement for the tasks at hand and to know we are not alone. We all seek that place and plan for our lives that is bigger than we are. We can all be significant to those around us, even if we never know their names. Isn't that a part of loving our neighbor? I pray that God would so fill my heart and mind that He would shine into the hearts and homes of those who need His peace, His love, His grace, His compassion, His hope and all the other blessings that are from Him.
I'm sure it is great to be famous and to know so many people. How much better to be known, if only even by name, by a few whose lives you have impacted for generations to come.
I'm sure it is great to be famous and to know so many people. How much better to be known, if only even by name, by a few whose lives you have impacted for generations to come.
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Simple Pleasures, Part III
I've noticed that some things are simple, but not pleasurable- folding clothes, unloading the dishwasher, changing a dirty diaper, untying shoe laces, driving the van with all five children inside and the like. Some things are pleasurable but not simple- making a dinner that is healthy and that everyone likes, teaching algebra to Sarah, taking a family trip to the beach in the summer, finding quiet time alone to read and pray. So I am truly enjoying the things that are both- drinking hot chocolate on a cold day in my favorite mug that sarah made for me, watching my boys build a fort or an original Lego design, watch Sandy as she colors so intensely or dancing around the room with Annie. I have danced more in the last few days than I have in a long, long time- just trying to savor Annie's sweet smell, size and total dependence on me. I'm finding it enjoyable to slow down and enjoy the little moments that only a newborn in the house can bring. Maybe I'm avoiding paying the bills, working on our taxes, reading Sarah's science book, studying, or other things that are neither simple nor pleasurable but which will always be looming. In light of all that is going on in the world, I am so grateful to even have the chance to choose to give a hug, blow a kiss, offer words of thanks and dance.
Friday, January 15, 2010
Simple Pleasures, Part II
Tonight before the balloon games began (see Simple Pleasures, below), Graham and I had a short, but very sweet, date- a trip to the grocery store. I can't remember the last time we went grocery shopping together; actually I do- it was a trip to Sam's that was only for some grapefruit and I think we came home with a T.V./DVD player for our bedroom. But that's another story... This trip was to stock up on healthy lunches and snacks for Graham to take to work. He has been working out faithfully and been more careful about his diet than his supposed Health Educator wife! We slowly sauntered down each aisle (when was the last time that happened at the store?!), read all the labels, talked, laughed and smiled. How good that felt! As we were headed to the car, we laughed at the fact that this was our first trip to the store as an "old couple"- figuring out the fiber content while having to hold the box a foot away in order to read it. Getting older really is no fun- this flesh and bones temporary house I'm in is not the same one I had even a year ago. I forget things, I fall down the stairs, I suddenly can't read without glasses, I crave more sugar and can't wait for bedtime. BUT, I know more of God's grace and mercy; I love and treasure each smile and story from my children and truly thank God for a husband who shows me love, forgiveness and grace every day of the week. Getting older is yukky, but getting older TOGETHER brings an amazing filling in my soul. It gives joy to my heart and a smile to my face (even if there are wrinkles.....)!
Simple Pleasures
It's amazing what a $1.39 pack of balloons can do. We had to buy a pack for a science experiment sarah was doing on electricity. With one gone, the rest ended up in the kitchen drawer. You would have thought I had stashed gold in there. Each of my children exclaimed, "balloons!", when coming upon them while looking for something else in the drawer. For almost two hours now, these little expandable ovals filled with air have kept all 5 of my children entertained. Annie watched as Sandy and Sarah made up a multitude of games- hit the balloon with your head; hit the balloon with your "insect" finger (as sandy calls her index finger); crawl on the floor and be the first to capture the balloon, etc. The creativity kept coming, rug burn seemed to be the only hazard and little Annie's eyes were captivated. Enter the boys. Now the games get a little rougher and louder. The heat is on. With Annie now in bed and Sandy in the tub, the other three are in fierce competition. No Wii game has ever been so enthralling. As I told them they only had 5 more minutes, the reply was "but Mom we're having fun and we're getting along!" As I write this while it is fresh on my mind, I hear one say "just be quiet and we might get to keep playing!" It really is a joy to put a stop to a game not beacuse there is conflict or someone has been hurt but just because... well, I guess there really is no good reason right this second. I'm off to take a bath and who knows what game will be invented next!
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Loving the Right Things
I have always loved Graham because he has taught me how to love what is most important. Last week we went to visit a friend that he has known for 25 years. He and Bob worked at Bell South together for years. About a year and a half ago Bob was diagnosed with brain cancer. He had just met a wonderful lady and they married and moved to Fairhope just before his diagnosis. He have kept in touch through CaringBridge and decided to go visit them. We were going to stay in a hotel with our clan, but Bob and Helen graciously invited us to stay with them. My first reaction was to decline, but why? the whole point of the visit was to spend time with them, encourage them and let them know that we really appreciate who they are and what they have been through. And what a blessing it was to stay with them. Wonderful food, watching football, playing football, watching Bob play the piano, watching Helen care for them as if they were her own. Relationships take time, energy and a little bit of messiness. As we drove home one of the kids said that they thought we drove all that way to do something- like a vacation. What a joy to explain that the purpose of our visit was all about the people- investing in the lives of others because they are precious in the sight of God. No souvenirs, toys, trips to Wal-Mart- just the delight of being with those you care for. Loving the right things takes time and energy, but I wouldn't trade it for anything.
Saturday, January 2, 2010
Happy New Year
Sarah and Rascal loving the cold!
We started out the year with a big snow!
Griffin got a new Sonic game for his 9th birthday.

Sarah drew this on the sand. She was missing Rascal at home.

At a park at Seaside in August.

We surprised Griffin with a trip to Disney. He found out at the airport that he was going. This was his first airplane trip.
Sandy turned 5 and had a mermaid party. Sarah curled her hair and gave her a makeover.
Sarah drew this on the sand. She was missing Rascal at home.
At a park at Seaside in August.
We surprised Griffin with a trip to Disney. He found out at the airport that he was going. This was his first airplane trip.
Friday, January 1, 2010
This is sad but hilarious. Maybe it's my age or just my competitive spirit. Or maybe my sense of inferiority. Whatever the case, I just set up this blog last night and was feeling pretty good that I had finally done something "technological" without the help of my husband or children. I was telling my daughter Sarah about it and she immediately wanted to set up her own blog. Within minutes she had set up her site and written her first post- so cute, fun, full of life and youthfulness. I went off to play a board game with Andrew and Sandy and by the time I finished, she had customized her site with logos, designs and pictures I didn't even know we had. Suddenly I felt very plain, boring and deflated from the night before. What I thought was such a great endeavor was really just a very ordinary task- not really all that great in the big scheme of things. I went to take a hot shower. A hot shower or bath is my get away, where I can either relax or ponder the events of the day, depending on what time it is and what is going on in the house. Some people sing, some just bathe, but I try to let God work in me and on me while I enjoy the warmth, which is probably why my water bill is so high! I started off feeling discouraged- someone "one-upped" me without even knowing it or trying to. I then remembered my Mom and how as an artist she was always encouraging other artists, always putting the focus on them. I realize this is such a small little matter in the big scheme of life, but I think that is where most of life's lessons are learned- in the small things. I realized that I, too, could take my eyes off my feeble little blog- just enjoy it and laugh about it; and encourage Sarah to make hers the best, cutest, most wonderful blog out there. It is just hard to feel like others are always more creative, full of life, younger... fill in the blanks. But thanking God for who I am and how He created me will never be deflating. I just tucked Sandy in and repeated with her the end of her prayer that we say every night, and claimed it for myself as well- "I am made by God, I am a child of God, I am loved by God, I am accepted by God, and that's the Truth!"
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