Monday, April 19, 2010


Some things in daily life seem overwhelming at times- the never-ending piles of laundry; surviving without my husband and oldest daughter /helper/babysitter/Sunshine while they are out of the country; learning microbiology at 44; being purposeful and diligent in prayer; paying taxes and for a new transmission at the same time... the list goes on. But then comes perspective. Last week I went with a group of women to clean a house, the owner of which I did not know personally, but who was at the funeral for her two-year old daughter. In the blink of an eye her whole world changed when tragedy struck outside near her own yard. She, too, had five children, one of which is a newborn. As I was cleaning the master bedroom, I couldn't help but notice things which would normally seem ordinary, but which were now precious- a family photo with all the children, a birthday party hat and napkin (her daughter had just turned 2), a stub from a family vacation spot, and a picture she had colored in church that had her name on it. That one in particular touched my heart- the wonderful scribbles in red crayon on a picture of Jesus.
I can remember a time when I was sitting on the front steps of the house of a friend who had just lost her husband in a car accident. She said "Go home, enjoy your husband and don't ever take anything for granted." And so now my heart is overwhelmed- not with all the tasks, but with how to desperately show those near to me how much I love and appreciate them. I want to savor the laughs, long-winded stories, endless questions, and countless pictures colored and drawn from their loving and precious hands. I am so sad for the loss of a sweet little girl but I am so forever thankful for her reminder to keep this short life in perspective. She is rejoicing to be safe in His arms and I am rejoicing to celebrate the dailyness of life as I know it.

1 comment:

  1. Sally, you are so gifted at writing. Your thoughts are beautiful and eloquent even if you have 5 kids, homeschool, and go to school yourself. I don't know how you do it. I'm sitting here at 7:15pm knowing London should go to bed but I barely have the energy to get off the computer chair. It'll all get done but wow, only by God's help.
