Monday, March 29, 2010

Living with My Eyes Closed

Today at the dentist I sat in that dreaded chair for over an hour with my eyes closed. Why, after all, would I want to look down at my white knuckles? At one point, however, I happened to look up and was very surprised to see my dentist with glasses and funny magnifying glasses on. My mind immediately flashed to Toy Story 2 and the guy who fixed Woody. I almost started to laugh. When did he put on those funny things? The last I saw of him, he was in his white jacket and smiling at me. I wonder what else I missed! It got me thinking about what else in life I have my eyes closed to. Now, some things should definitely not be seen, like the view from the Mindbender or the Great American Scream Machine. Yes, we recently went to Six Flags and I was forced to ride in order to create an even number for riding. My five-year old had more fun than I did and I'm certain she had her eyes open for everything. If mine had been open I'm sure I would not only be leaving in a stretcher but also that they would have been cleaning up the seats after me! But crazy rides aside, how much of life do I miss because I do not truly have my eyes open to the world around me? I want to be like Moses who actually stopped to look at the burning bush. The Bible says that when the Lord saw that Moses actually turned aside to look, He then called to Him from the midst of the bush. Do I miss God's call or voice of beckoning when I fail to stop and take the time to see those around me? Who is God calling me to serve or love on? Do I hear His calling? Just a few things to ponder this time of year as I celebrate His sacrifice for me. He rescued me so that I could share His story of love and forgiveness with those around me. May I slow down and look for Him in all the bushes that surround all my comings and goings.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Joys of Bedtime

I'm embarrassed to admit this, but I really do not like reading stories to my children at bedtime. Can't I just count the books we read all day long? But hey, isn't that what every mom is supposed to do at bedtime- to cuddle, read and savor the time together? I can't count the number of times my mom read Uncle Remus' "De' Tar Baby" or "Are You My Mother" to me as I was going to bed- probably hundreds! I'm sure she was tired but she read to me anyway. But, guilt aside, I do like praying with and for my children and just talking to them about life and God as they are getting ready to enter the Land of Nod. Tonight I asked Sandy what she would say in a thank you note to God if she were writing one to Him. The first thing she said was "I'm thankful that He made me." It just filled my heart. Simple, but so pure and full of love. She knows that she is special to her Creator. And next, so true to her free spirit, was being able to ride a tricycle FAST, feeling the wind and seeing the sky all around her. She also wondered if she died at night, would she get to go to heaven in her pajamas and be able to wear them FOREVER?! After that, I went to tuck in Andrew. He informed me that "the Bible really changed my life"- his words exactly. He went on to explain that he used to not understand things about God but now that Jesus is in his heart, he really does. As we prayed, he said he was sorry for all those angels who left heaven with the devil; wanted everyone one in the world to know about God; and wondered how God could be everywhere at once, but was glad He was.
I don't always take the time to engage my children so deeply at bedtime, but I should (especially since I don't like the whole book-at-bedtime thing). How sweet of God to remind me that my days with my children are indeed numbered and to invest in them at bedtime is time very well spent. Now I can go to bed and sleep in my most comfortable pj's- I never know when and if I will be wearing them forever!